Women don’t need to be empowered.

They are already powerful.

Men don’t need to be replaced or removed.

They can become allies.

Businesses don’t need more of the same.

They must work to remove biases and roadblocks.



This is Woman’s Work.

That is what my work is about:

I work to remove the roadblocks, biases and challenges that trailblazing, professional women face so that they can thrive as their authentic selves.

Women are inundated with messages about what they should and shouldn't do, who they should and shouldn't be. But not here. Here, we are redefining what it means to be doing "woman's work" with you as the decider.

Simultaneously, men are told that they have to change and adapt, but they’re not told where or how to start. But not here. Here, we are providing resources, strategies, and tactical tips to men with the desire to be allies.

Nicole Kalil Vision

My vision is to eliminate gender expectations so every human can step into their true power, access their unique abilities, and live their purpose.

This level of authenticity will create environments where the diverse skills, perspectives and experiences of all leaders­—regardless of gender—will drive confidence, productivity and engagement in every area of life and work.


The next generation of women should not have to face the same challenges, roadblocks and missed opportunities that we do today.


If we can change the landscape of the corporate environment while also equipping powerful women with the mental, emotional and tactical tools they need to succeed, we can blaze a new trail for future generations.

It’s Time For Action.