Our ReTREAT for exhausted women who just need a f*@king break

If you’ve found yourself searching for a “do not disturb” sign that actually works, then Snooze Fest is for you.

This reTREAT celebrates your right to do absolutely nothing and spend as much time in “nap valley” as your heart desires (see what I did there… Snooze Fests take place all over, but there will be lots of napping!). Dive into a book without interruptions, engage in workshops where the only focus is YOU, and yes, actually finish a cup of coffee while it's still hot.

Because you've been juggling life, work, an abundant amount of people who need things from you, and a to-do-list that magically multiplies, we've designed the ultimate escape.

A place where your only obligation is rest and recovery, and your biggest decision is whether you want cucumber or lemon in your water (you’re also welcome to trade your water for wine).

And the best part? You'll be in the company of other women who are tired of carrying the weight of the world and who understand the fine art of hiding in the bathroom for a moment's peace. Share stories, laugh until you cry, and rediscover your joy in a place where the alarm clock is public enemy number one.

Get your Snooze Fest tickets here:

October 11 - 13, 2024  | Sonoma, CA

Click Here to Learn More & Reserve Your Spot!

Snooze Fest


April 10 - 13, 2025 | East Coast

Click Here to Reserve Your Spot!

Sample Agenda

What Others Snoozers Have Said

What Others Snoozers Have Said:

People say snooze-fest like it’s a bad thing. I would attend a snooze-fest, no questions asked. Name your price.

The reTREAT was everything and more! There was so much thought, effort and planning, which was apparent the moment I arrived. Nicole has created a community. I am so grateful and cannot wait for the next reTREAT!

Few people in this world can inspire, motivate, and empower women the way someone like Nicole can every day.

- Danielle P. ~Tired Mama

- Sarah B, ~ Hard-Working COO

- ashley R. ~ Boss Lady